Drink your way to radiant, glowing skin : Detox Water Recipe eBook

Detox Water for Glowing Skin 

I am super excited to share this detox water recipes eBook. Clearing my skin has taken a lot of dedication and effort. I used to hate drinking water. When I was younger I used to be one of those people who drank juice only. If it wasn’t juice or coffee it wasn’t for me. Then as I was reading up and researching ways to clear my acne I read abut drinking water. 

It’s the one thing people who used to have acne and have managed to clear their skin forget to tell you. Your diet needs to change, you have to eat good foods, you know the right fats, fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich foods and so on. If you’re wondering what the hell I am talking about, don’t worry, I am working on producing more of these as the year goes by. 

We’ve heard it all before, if you want to lose weight – drink water, if you want to get rid of headaches – drink water, if you have a tummy ache – drink water (salt and sugar solution, eww), need to clear your skin – drink water. Its drink water, more water and more water and then some more water. 

Lol, you can’t seem to escape it, water is so important for our daily functioning yet it is so easily overlooked. Your body is about 70% water. Therefore, you need water to function properly. All through the day, you lose about 8 cups (2L) of water from your body, and you need to replace that water. 

I had to take in the hard truth if I wanted to change the way my skin looked. I needed to make the right choices. But who am I kidding, a lot of people don’t like water, there is nothing to it, it’s boring and it doesn’t taste nice. I strongly believe in enjoying the journey, whatever kind of journey you decide to embark on, be it a weight-loss, weight gain or even skincare journey I believe in enjoying. I do not believe in being miserable and hating every second of it. 

So I decided, if I was going to start drinking water I might as well enjoy that too. I hoped on the detox water train and I haven’t gotten off it since. Detox water is beneficial for the skin because it is infused with fruit and depending on what fruits you choose to put in your detox water you end up giving your skin the water it needs with added nutrition  

I’ve done the research for you and have put together some detox water recipes that are will clear your acne, help bring back your glow and help your skin. 

As you all know. I am not a health proffessional. I am sharing these recipes because I have used them and they have helped with my skin. I hope it will help you with your journey. Remember the detox water alone is not enough, you need to pare it with a healthy diet and good skincare regimen 


If you are already subscribed your ebook is on its way 🙂 


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