How I deep clean my Makeup brushes 



As you, all know I am very passionate about taking care of my skin. One of the things that might be contributing to your breakouts today are your makeup brushes or utensils. Makeup brushes harbour a whole lot of acne causing bacteria on them. Ensuring that they are clean will bring you a step closer to the skin of your dreams.

Let me break it down for you!  Every time you use your makeup brushes, you pick bacteria that’s on your face, which is then left to fester on the brush after use. The next time you use your brushes the same thing happens only now there is added bacteria from the previous day and the cycle goes on and on. Sickening, isn’t it? It’s honestly just a vicious cycle. If this doesn’t motivate you to wash your brushes then honestly don’t know what will.

When I read about this I was so tempted to wash my brushes after every use, lol !!!Let’s face it, cleaning makeup brushes can be such a mundane task. For your skin’s sake, you have to do it. If you have acne prone skin then I suggest you clean your brushes a little more often than the average person.

I was taking my study break and I thought it would be beneficial if I shared with you all how I clean my brushes!!!


  • Lay out your brushes for cleaning, don’t judge I know they are dirty *hides*

  • Use olive oil to remove some of the excess makeup

  • Dampen the brush, pump your cleaning agent ( I use the Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo, it’s gentle enough not to damage the bristles on the brushes and I won’t break out from using it in my  makeup brushes)

  • Swirl your brush around the palm of your hand, occasionally adding a little bit more water for to lather the shampoo and clean them out properly

  • Repeat the process until your brushes are clean, add the johnsons baby conditioner to form and shape your brushes (I do just to keep my brushes soft but you don’t have to) don’t forget yo rinse it out
  • Now pat yourself on the back  and marvel at how clean your brushes are 😊 (considering how mundane and insanely boring this task is, this is a very important step

I hope this helps or answered the question on what could be causing your face to break out when your skin seems to have been behaving.

My makeup brushes are from Vault Cosmetics Zimbabwe and I absolutely love them but then again they are colourful and who doesn’t like colour!! 



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