Stuffed Microwave Baked Potatoes

Stuffed Microwave Baked Potatoes 

Food has a wonderfully uncanny way of being a major part of life’s memories, so why not make memories every day. After all, what is life without food??? As a foodie, a good plate of food can change my day, the people who know me will tell you it’s because when I am hungry I get grumpy, I think I just have a certain appreciation of food that others don’t (LOL)

Stuffed Microwave Baked Potatoes Recipe 


The golden rule when making baked potatoes? Always prick the spud, it will cook all the way through and you won’t have trouble with the potatoes exploding under the microwave or oven heat. To start, wash your potatoes thoroughly, then add your spices. I used a roast potato mix, salt, and black pepper.

Sprinkle some olive oil and rub the spices, as well as your oil all over the potatoes, then put them in the microwave at maximum heat for 5 mins before turning them over and putting them back for another 5 mins (10 mins in total)

In the meantime, sauté your spinach, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and bacon bits in a drizzle of vegetable oil until cooked.

Cut the top of your now baked potatoes off,

Mash the tops of the potatoes and mix together with your cooked vegetables and fill your potatoes.

After adding your filling, sprinkle some grated gouda cheese and place back in the microwave for about a minute. Like I said, this is a simple, easy, delicious meal. After your cheese is melted you can enjoy your baked potatoes with some wine and relax.

You can make these baked potatoes as a side and enjoy them with a steak, grilled chicken or pork.




  1. shamiso
    03/11/2016 / 11:47

    am definately going to try this,i love potatoes and it looks yammy

    • Miriam Maulana
      03/11/2016 / 11:51

      I love potatoes too. They are my favourite starch ❤. Trust me you’ll love them

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