Good Eats : 3 amazing salads for you to try out😊

Happy Tuesday,

It’s been a long 2 and amazing two weeks!

For some of you who don’t know I’ve been in my semester break and unlike most holidays I chose to stay in Grahamstown for the National Arts Festival and it was a good decision.

It sucked coz I didn’t get to go home and see my mummy but it wasn’t all bad. I got to experience something new. I will share a post with your all about how great the National Arts Festival was and what I managed to do soon 😊😊😊.

Yes the festival was amazing but my eating habits were just terrible. I binged on so much junk food and even though I managed to sneak in a salad as side everytime I punished a large pizza I’m still feeling kinda heavy and just unhealthy maaaaannn 🙈🙈 . To make matters worse I caught a cold during the two weeks and I still haven’t managed to nurse myself to perfect health.

So I’ve decided to treat my body better and get myself back on track as far as eating healthy and just being good, hopefully I’ll be able to get rid of this cold for good.

I am going to share 3  amazing salad recipes with all. I honestly believe it starts with a salad. You don’t have to have these salads on their own. You can have them as a side or add some protein (grilled chicken, beef strips, eggs) and enjoy  them as a light meal.

Mich Carrot Salad 

  • Carrots
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Olives
  • Bell Peppers (red, yellow and green)
  • Feta
  • Dressing (lemon, lime, olive oil and some robertson’s zesty lemon seasoning)

Mich Green Salad 


I absolutely love this salad and how you can always change it around by adding a couple ingredients you could have a whole meal. As I was making mine I realized I was out of cherry tomatoes but feel free to use cherry tomatoes instead I think they add a different flavor dynamic😊

  • Mixed salad and herb pack
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatoe
  • Feta
  • Olives
  • Lemon and lime juice (salt and pepper) mixed with a little bit of honey for sweetness

Because I have a cold I had to add a vitamin packed fruit salad to the day. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, now imagine a meal with not just apples but a whole botany of fruits. I need to be as fit a s a fiddle by the end of the week.

  • Strawberries
  • Citrus fruit
  • Melons
  • Apple
  • Kiwi
  • Pineapple

I hope you’ll join me in my healthy lifestyle journey again and I hope you’ve all been well.

I apologize for the break from blogging. I am back with great content (or at least I hope) and I whole lot to share with you all.

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