Okay so let me start by saying that until recently, I hadn’t thought about the downside of working out LIVE & ONLINE. Sometimes I forget how cruel people online are, I forget that I guess it’s because I have sort of come to the realisation a Beyoncé body and J.lo’s chocolate bar abs are so far I would rather move on from that dream. I discovered recently that I hadn’t thought about my size in a while, not sure yet what the reason is, maybe it’s self-awareness, maybe it’s self-acceptance or maybe it’s giving up. I’ll have to fill you in on this as time goes by.
I was motivated to start the workouts because my mum was walking every morning. I wanted to join her and support her. I felt motivated, I was working out every morning and I was having fun. There was zero pressure to be anyone else but myself.
And then I felt the need to share that joy, to motivate someone else out the way I had been motivated. I decided to do it for the one. Yes, I said one, I didn’t do it because they are millions of people watching my videos, I did it for that one person who needs to exercise with zero pressure.
The person who is tired of being judged for the flab around their waistline or their jiggling thunder thighs. Someone who just wants to learn to love their body.
Yes, I am doing this for you. Sharing my journey, flab and all, with you. The highs, the lows, the half squats and 5sec planks. I want to learn to love myself to the fullest and I want to share the journey with you.
A good friend Megan from By Megan Kelly talks about the fact that, “the world when it comes to body shapes and sizes can be a very lonely place. We all have a war going on inside our heads but with a little motivation, we can roar back at the negativity and learn to love and embrace our bodies”.
And I totally agree, so[bctt tweet=” I have decided to adopt a more forgiving and affirming attitude towards my body,” username=”Miriam Maulana”] with the goal of improving my overall health and well-being.
[bctt tweet=”I don’t have a Nicki Minaj bum, Kim K boobs, J.Lo ABS or Beyoncé thighs and you know what!? That’s OKAY.” username=”Miriam Maulana”] I want to learn to be comfortable in my own skin, I want to be happier with curves, my lumps and my bumps. To wear that confidence every day, to look at myself in the mirror and see a “bullet” (girl on fire) and not my wobbly bits. I want to be able to wear a pencil skirt and a crop top with all the confidence.I am beautiful and are YOU. I want to motivate, inspire and encourage.[bctt tweet=” I don’t need smaller thighs, flatter tummy or smaller arms. I need a change in perspective” username=”Miriam Maulana “] and if you’re in the same bought then this is the place to be.
The goal is to overcome the conflicts we have with our bodies so we can lead happier, more productive lives. Self-love and appreciation with the goal to better ourselves.
So how about it, let’s do this together. Let’s change the definition of beautiful and sexy. Let’s not allow media to bully us and tell us how we should look and feel about our bodies. Let us create a space that is safe for all genders, sexes, races or heights to love the bodies and the skin they’re in. To motivate and encourage one another.
Some of you might be thinking if my idea of is to learn to love my body then why am I working out. It’s because loving my body also means treating it right, exercising not with the aim to look a certain way but with the aim to be healthy.
Body positivity has been misunderstood to mean gobbling down junk food, becoming a couch potato and condoning bad habits. That’s not it, it’s about loving who you are now and in appreciating who you are working to improve your health and wellbeing. It’s not just about exercise, it’s a mental, emotional and spiritual journey that isn’t going to be easy.
I hope you join me on this journey.
I pray you find what you are looking for.
[bctt tweet=”May you find YOU, Love YOU & Appreciate YOU” username=”Miriam Maulana “]Join me for the NKBHealth eating challenge if you’d like to go ALL in.
Thank you for providing a space for me to talk.
Loved this post so much
Thank you Ella, I am glad you did ❤❤
no pain no game i love it